A question I get asked a lot is "What weapons are the most effective?" It is a good question. While it is largely a matter of personal opinion, here is a list I've compiled of my top ten weapons to use in the zombie apocalypse.
1. Sledge Hammer: My first pick is a good, quality sledge hammer. They are fairly common, especially in suburban and rural environments, and they pack a good punch. They can do incredible amounts of bludgeoning damage if used by those strong enough. Keep in mind that you want blunt force against a zombie, so this is an almost ideal weapon. A bad thing about it is the fact that you have to be close to a zombie to use it, which puts you at risk.
2. Axe: For number two, an axe almost matches the power a sledge hammer has. Not only is it very useful due to its heavy head and design that can break bones without any trouble at all, axes are very, very common. Again, the main drawback is the fact that you must be next to a zombie to use it effectively, putting you at risk.
3. Shotgun: My third choice is the shotgun, simply due to the fact that it can do so much damage, albeit at a close range. They too are relatively common, and have a reputation as the choice zombie-killing firearm.
4. Crowbar: The crowbar takes number four. Its ability as a weapon, as well as a tool for prying open doors, windows, or other things, easily overcomes the fact that you have to be near to a zombie to use it. A crowbar is a very common item also, which is a large bonus.
5. Sniper Rifle: This weapon is only useful at long distances, and if you strike the head. If you hit anywhere else it would render that shot ineffective. If you do manage to get a shot to the zombie's head, that zombie is sure to be killed. Sniper rifles are hard to find, and difficult to use, but if you can get your hands on one, it can be a great zombie-killing weapon. If you found yourself surrounded, you could use the butt of the weapon to attack as a last resort.
6. Pipe Bomb: A good, well-made and well-placed pipe bomb, while not usually considered a "weapon", can
do massive amounts of damage to a zombie horde. Though rather difficult to make, place, and transport, not to mention the danger involved, many survival experts agree that a pipe bomb is a very useful tool to eradicate zombies.
7. Halberd: This medieval weapon takes number seven. While practically impossible to find, a halberd, with long reach, axe head, and spear tip, could make for a formidable weapon. Effectively a long axe, they are usable against enemies at a further distance than other melee weapons.
8. RPG: Obviously an effective weapon if you somehow managed to get your hands on one, the RPG is so low on the list because of its rarity.
9. Gatling Gun: Again, this is obviously an effective weapon, if you had access to one.
10. Rake: A metal rake could be considered an effective weapon if used to bash heads with. It might be able to do as much damage, but it has an advantage in the fact that they have a good reach. Rakes also are very common and can be found at nearly any house.
So there it was. Of course, other weapons could be useful, and if you feel other weapons deserve recognition as prime zombie-killing weapons, feel free to leave a comment saying so and your reason for thinking so.
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